The leaks turn out to be true, after all. After almost a year since the release of Genshin Impact, and a few months after releasing on PS5, travelers can now use their PSN accounts on PC, Android, and iOS devices.

How to link Genshin Impact accounts

Genshin Impact players can easily link their accounts together as long as one of those accounts hasn't been used yet to log into the game. Here's how:

Existing PSN Users:

  1. Log in to Genshin Impact on your PlayStation
  2. Go to Settings > Account > User Center > Link Account
  3. Link your account to an email address NOT YET associated with a miHoYo account

Existing Android/iOS/PC Users:

  1. Open Genshin Impact on your PSN account for the first time
  2. A pop-up window will appear with instructions on how to link your account

Account Linking Restrictions

This functionally allows users to cross-save between platforms, but there are a few caveats.

The most important caveat is that players who have both PSN and miHoYo accounts that both have progress have no way to link their accounts and merge their progress together yet. That means you will have to decide which account to keep as your main, as either account can only be linked to an account that has not yet been used to log in on Genshin Impact.

On the other hand, there's also no way for players to carry over their accounts to other servers. This also means that TW, HK, and MO server accounts cannot share their progress to any PSN account, as PSN currently doesn't have servers for TW, HK, and MO. Only accounts on Americas, Europe, and Asia can continue their progress on other platforms.

Any Genesis Crystals and platform-exclusive cosmetics will only be usable on the same platform where you obtained them, regardless of linkage. Platform-exclusive weapons can be used on any platform, but their specific particle effects will only show on its native platform.

Finally, there's no way for players to unlink their accounts once linked, so be very sure when undergoing this process.

Cross-Play Co-op Play between PSN and miHoYo accounts

Linking PSN accounts to miHoYo accounts will eventually allow players on PlayStation to play with travelers from other platforms. miHoYo currently doesn't have a release window on when this feature will come online. But when it does, players will have a choice on who they get to play with. That means PlayStation players and players on other consoles may choose whether or not they want to matchmake with each other.

It's still unclear whether PC and smartphone users can also exclude each other from matchmaking – but it's clear that PlayStation players can choose to play only with other PlayStation players, and non-PlayStation players can choose not to play with PlayStation players.