How The NFL Stole A Rule From The NBA

Goaltending is an NBA rule where a player can’t  stand in front of the rim and block shots.

In the NFL, goaltending actually used to be an issue too.

In the 1960's, Morris Stroud had very little experience in football before the NFL.

Because he was 6-foot-10 though, the Chiefs drafted him in the 3rd round of the 1969 NFL Draft.

Stroud played tight end, but was more known for being a special teams player.

The Chiefs had him block field goals by standing under the goalposts and swatting the ball away.

He wasn’t the only one to do this, but he blocked enough that the NFL took action.

They banned “goaltending” on field goals, and they called it the “Stroud Rule.”

That’s why you never see goaltending anymore - in the NFL.