Riot Games has revealed the name of their fighting game: 2XKO. Previously known simply as Project L, the developer-publisher is aiming for a release window sooner rather than later, with playtests and demos scattered until then.

2XKO Release Date: 2025

Riot Games announced 2XKO (pronounced too-eks-kei-oh) way back during League of Legends' 10-year anniversary stream along with other games that would eventually be Legends of Runeterra, Wild Rift, and Valorant. Previously known as Project L, Riot revealed the official title as 2XKO along with its release date: 2025. The game will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S | X, and PC, and will be free to play like all of the other Riot Games titles. This makes it the first main Riot Games game to make it on console.

While communication about the game has been intermittent since its reveal, 2XKO will be more active in the community as it nears its official release. The FGC has been promised demos to be playable in various fighting game events around the world, and an at-home playtest which you can sign up for on their official website.

2XKO Gameplay

2XKO features the classic one-on-one, character-based competition, but also boasts “duo-play” which will allow players to play with each other on the same team. This makes it also a 2v2 co-op tag team game.

Riot Games has mentioned the game's streamlined controls and mechanics, which will help players learn through playing the game. This makes the onboarding of the game simple and the fun of playing the game arrive quicker, but preserves its high skill ceiling and depth.

Riot Games is working closely with the fighting game community for this fighter. “2XKO embraces the values and ethos of the FGC with a grassroots approach to building and connecting players to the broader fighting game community,” Riot said. “[This game] will bring the rivalry and camaraderie of an IRL arcade to a live service, online game.”

2XKO Story

Not much has been revealed in terms of the game's story, but it is set in Runeterra, the same universe that League of Legends is set on.

League of Legends champions have been reimagined to make their version in a fighting game, and described how they are “reflected in new and exciting ways, yet always remain true to their core.”

2XKO releases for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S | X, and PC in 2025.