The latest update for the popular multiplayer horror game Dead by Daylight, version 7.7.1, is now available, providing numerous fixes and adjustments to improve gameplay and player experience. Among the changes, the update modifies the Xenomorph's exclusive perk, Ultimate Weapon, and introduces a variety of enhancements and new content anticipated throughout May.

Since launching in 2016, Dead by Daylight has continually evolved through frequent updates, enhancing its live-service model. The game has maintained a strong player base with its dynamic content and interactive gameplay featuring a roster of killers and survivors from various horror franchises.

Enhanced Performance And New Gameplay Features In Dead By Daylight Update 7.7.1

The 7.7.1 update specifically targets several persistent issues that have affected game performance. Players will notice improvements in movement, where the previous rubber-banding effect has been significantly reduced. Additionally, the update resolves the stuttering that occurred at the end of interactions, which previously could alter the outcome of matches. These fixes are part of Behaviour Interactive's ongoing efforts to refine gameplay and ensure a smoother, more responsive experience for both killers and survivors.

One of the key highlights of the update is the introduction of the Chaos Shuffle modifier. This new game mode, debuting on May 16, promises to revamp the traditional gameplay mechanics by randomly assigning four perks to players. This forces players to adapt their strategies, using perks they may not usually select, thus adding an element of unpredictability and challenge to the matches.

The update also lays the groundwork for exciting events and content leading up to Dead by Daylight's anniversary in June. Starting May 14, players can look forward to a series of activities, including a special game broadcast expected to reveal major updates and the Before the Masquerade event. This event will feature a new survivor skin modeled after actor Nicolas Cage, adding a unique flair to the roster of characters.

New DLC, Events, And Community Feedback In Latest Dead By Daylight Update

Additionally, the Endless Hunt pack, which is the fourth Chapter Pack DLC, will be launched as part of the anniversary celebrations. This pack is set to include new killers, survivors, and maps, further expanding the game's universe and offering fresh challenges to the players.

The Before the Masquerade event, running throughout May, not only introduces the Chaos Shuffle mode but also offers players the opportunity to earn exclusive cosmetics. To obtain these items, players will need to participate in the new mode from May 16 to May 23 and complete specific challenges associated with it.

Behaviour Interactive has also recently conducted a survey to gather feedback on the latest updates and gauge player interest in potential new content. The survey asked players about their thoughts on integrating aspects from other popular games like Five Nights at Freddy's, Left 4 Dead, Valheim, and Helldivers 2 into Dead by Daylight. Depending on the feedback, fans might see new killer or survivor skins inspired by these titles, which would not only honor these beloved games but also enrich the Dead by Daylight universe

Dead By Daylight Update 7.7.1 Full List Of Patch Notes

For those eager to delve deeper into the specifics, the full list of patch notes for update 7.7.1 provides a detailed breakdown of all changes and enhancements. Below is the comprehensive guide to what players can expect in this latest iteration of Dead by Daylight.



  • Modifier: Chaos Shuffle opens at May 16th at 11:00:00 AM Eastern Time.
    • This Modifier also features an event tome, opening at the same time.

Dead By Daylight Perk Updates

Ultimate Weapon

  • Now causes Survivors within 32 meters of the locker to scream and show their position (was based on the Killer's position) then gain Blindness for 30 seconds (as before).

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue that caused sound issues in the Mori Preview after previewing The Nightmare or the Wraith.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Naughty Bear to have overlapping voice lines in the Mori Preview.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Huntress Inhuman Brute cosmetic sounds to be too low.


  • Potential fix for an issue that caused rubber-banding when moving.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a stutter at the end of several interactions.
  • Fixed an issue which allowed Victor to be recalled sooner than 30 seconds after latching onto a Survivor.
  • Victor now glows red after downing an injured Survivor with a Pounce attack, properly indicating he can be Crushed.
  • Victor can no longer latch on to survivors with the Endurance status effect.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Victor to be unable to move after switching to Victor while a Bot is crushing him.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause Survivors to be unable to wiggle out when a Hook interaction is denied by the server.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Xenomorph to be unable to hit a Survivor placing a turret with their tail attack.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse to not be affected by pallet stuns.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors' left arm to jitters when in downed state
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Legion's post-Frenzy hand to snaps upwards before entering the self-stun animation.


  • Toolboxes now properly lose charge when used to charge the Potential Energy perk.


  • Fixed an issue when going back to the Main Menu from a “Play as Killer” offline Lobby causing the bottom button prompts to overlap.
  • Fixed an issue in the Killer tutorial where two prompts could sometimes overlap.
  • Fixed an issue in the Archives where the menu became invisible after watching a Journal's Entry cinematic.
  • Fixed an issue where the Killer name would be missing from the daily ritual “The Hunt Ritual”


  • Fixed an issue in the Nostromo map where the Nurse could blink and get stuck in the hull of the Spaceship
  • Fixed an issue where The Blight didn't bounce of wall properly in the Raccoon PD map
  • Fixed an issue in Greenville Square where the traps could be placed under the ground next to the shack window
  • Fixed an issue in Shattered Square where both pallets of the main building would spawn at the same time
  • Fixed an issue in the RPD where the survivors could land on top of a door frame
  • Fixed an issue in Lery's Hospital where the killer could not interrupt a survivor from one side of a generator
  • Fixed an issue in Autohaven Wreckers where Victor could jump though a sheet of metal in the shack
  • Fixed an issue in Greenville Square where the double pallet tile didn't spawn
  • Fixed an issue that may cause Meg to be unable to unhook Dwight during the Survivor Tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue in Dead Dawg Saloon where the player camera could clip into a rock
  • Fixed an issue in Coldwind Farms where the Cow Tree's vault tarp was missing
  • Fixed an issue in Crotus Prenn Asylum where Trapper could hide beartraps inside the rocky edge of the hill
  • Fixed an issue in Eyrie of Crows where Trapper could hide beartraps inside some roots at the stone gazebo
  • Fixed an issue in Hawkins Laboratory where superfluous collisions were affecting player navigation near some closed doors and causing rubber-banding
  • Fixed an issue in Hawkins Laboratory where players could hide items in the floor near the storage room doors
  • Fixed an issue in Haddonfield where players would collide with the car mirrors and experience frustrating navigation issues
  • Fixed an issue in Haddonfield where the End-Game Collapse Cracks would appear on the ceiling of the balcony from one of the large houses
  • Fixed an issue in Midwich Elementary School where Killers' vision could clip into a destroyed wall and see outside of the map
  • Fixed an issue in Raccoon City Police Department West Wing where Trapper could hide beartraps inside a pile of debris in the library
  • Fixed an issue in Raccoon City Police Department where players could climb on top of a duffle bag
  • Fixed an issue in Raccoon City Police Department East Wing where players could climb onto the toilets
  • Fixed an issue in Toba's Landing where the central computer console from the main base was popping with distance


  • Fixed an issue that caused bright flashes in the basement and in the end game screen.


  • Fix: Auric Cell Offers cards now can be clicked entirely without players needing to click on the button.


  • Fixed an issue where items and add-ons would not get equipped automatically after previously running out of them

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