The winners in the JBL Quantum Cup for Apex Legends and Fortnite were decided after a weekend of gaming.

JBL held the third annual JBL Quantum Cup last weekend, December 9 to 11, 2023. Players battled it out against each other to become the best and bring home the prize. For this year's JBL Quantum Cup, the players competed in two of the biggest battle royale games on the market right now: Fortnite and Apex Legends. Each of these events had a $30,000 prize pool, so players were definitely fighting for their share of the pool. Let's go through just some of the highlights that happened during these competition-filled days.

Day 1 is when they held the Fortnite competitions. During the competition, top Fortnite player Clixhimself was downed, however, BuckeFPS held his ground. Meanwhile, Eomzo1 and RiseFN used the game's buddy system and were able to secure their place in the Top 10. After 6 matches of high-intensity Fortnite, Ajerss and Khanada took home the grand prize with a whopping 203 points. Following them were Edgey and Mero, who took second place with 198 points. Finally, Acorn and Dukez came third with 170 points.

Day 2, on the other hand, was the day of the Apex Legends tournament. Team Optic had a strong start during Match 1 of the tournament. Team DarkZero, on the other hand, cleaned up their competition well in match 3. Match 6 was when things came down to the wire, as all of the participating teams gave their all for the final match. Team SZN swept the field, but it was OpTic Gaming that brought home the grand prize at 55 points. Spacestation came close at 53 points, taking second place. Furia Esports came third with 51 points.

Although that's all of the highlights in the competition, that's not the only thing JBL is busy with. In fact, they partnered up with the 1,000 Dreams Fund for the second year. This partnership aims to “amplify the voice of women in esports” and “help jumpstart their careers” through the JBL Quantum Grant. Twenty-five will receive a $1,500 grant that they can use to pursue their dreams in gaming, as well as a JBL Quantum gaming headset to help them along. Interested applicants have until December 16, 2022, to sign up for the Grant, with the winners picked on the week of December 19.

That's all the winners of the JBL Quantum Cup, as well as the highlights of the weekend. For more gaming news, you can check out our gaming news articles.