For a short period in 2022, Tate Mayfairs was a member of NXT UK, where he worked four matches before the promotion closed its doors as WWE consolidated its NXT offerings down to a single Performance Center in Orlando.

On paper, the decision made sense, but for performers like Mayfairs, who hadn't quite established themselves as top-tier talents, it effectively ended his time in WWE, period, which has turned out alright for his career since, as he's currently the TNT World Champion and made waves for appearing in SGW as a heel worker under Lord White.

Asked if he would consider returning to WWE at some point in the future despite his indie success in an interview with Fightful, Mayfairs let it be known that he's happy with his spot on the indies but would also accept a return to WWE, too, if the right deal came along, as he genuinely enjoyed his time with the promotion in 2022.

“WWE is the best wrestling company I've ever worked for in my life. Hands down, easy, long as you are. It's so easy. It's night and day. It's the difference between wrestling on a mud ring and wrestling on a wrestling ring. That's the difference between the indies and WWE. Now, that said, it's not the be-all and end-all. I am making a full-time living off professional wrestling. I'm very happy. I'm very healthy. I'm doing things that are very creatively fulfilling for me. I'm doing things that are very like in life fulfilling for me,” Tate Mayfairs told Fightful.

“What I down in the SGW wouldn't be able to do it otherwise, so I'm having a great time. I'm loving life, I'm loving what I do. I have a vision of what I want to achieve and what I will achieve, and it's on the same level as WWE and like a major company, but it's not necessarily reliant on them. So I will continue on my path and doing what I'm doing and let God guide me and let the passion of wrestling guide me and just see what comes of it. If WWE puts down an offer in front of me, and it looks good, I'm taking it. Same with any company that offers something really good. I'm going to take it, but it's not the be-all and end-all. I've got this World Heavyweight Championship. I'm pushing out loads of content. I'm creating loads of great stories. I'm having lots of great matches. I'm making a living. I'm helping raise awareness for other things going on. Just watch and see what happens.”

While details are sparse regarding the future of NXT Europe should WWE end up bringing it back at all, it's worth wondering whether or not younger performer like Mayfairs would consider joining the developmental system or if they would be better off working the indies in favor of landing a more high-profile gig with NXT proper. Either way, considering Mayfairs' comments, it sounds like he's open to the conversation either way.

Tate Mayfairs is proud of his efforts against Will Ospreay.

Discussing his current romp through the indies around the world with Jordan of WombTravel, Tate Mayfairs was asked about his match against Will Ospreay in PROGRESS back in 2023, when the “Billy Goat” beat his foe at The Dome in London. While Ospreay got the best of Mayfairs that night, in the end, the TNT World Champion was happy to give the New Japan star the rub back in England.

“William Ospreay had a very high-profile match with Tate Mayfairs last year. Yeah, I was happy to give the kid the rub. He did this call-out thing in February last year; I spoke to him and said, ‘Is this real?' He said, ‘It is.' I put out my video, and he felt a little bit embarrassed, didn't he? He tucked his tail in between his legs, hid his head in the sand, and went, ‘Oh no, don't talk about the call out anymore.' He tried to run, he got himself into Super Strong Style and then I got drawn too, and then we went in there and I gave him a great match where he struggled to put me away for over a half an hour. The supposed best wrestler in the world struggled,” Tate Mayfairs told WombTravel via Fightful.

“He said he wanted to run it back, he got on the microphone after and went, ‘Woah, okay, fair play Tate. Fair play, Mayfairs. If you want to do it again, I want to do it' and he was reaching out to shake my hand and give me a handshake. He's a big fan, he wants to run it back, I said I'd run it back, he's nowhere to be seen and he's running away once again.”

Could Mayfairs and Ospreay run in back? Most definitely, especially if Mayfairs continues to do the dirty work of Lord White in SGW, where Ospreay is already a legendary babyface despite having never actually worked a match for the promotion.