Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay recently revealed his history with “multiple drugs,” resulting in what could have been death from overdose. Irsay is a former powerlifter who competed in weightlifting tournaments, once weighing over 300 pounds. He spoke on his history with drugs and the ultimate fight he faced following his powerlifting career.

“I was trying to detox myself and I mixed multiple drugs that I didn't know anything about and so all of a sudden I started slurring my words and then code blue, I stopped breathing,” he says. “And they revived me, and the doctor goes, ‘Jim, you're one lucky man because I had signed, virtually, the death certificate,” said Irsay, per Dana Hunsinger Benbow at Indy Star.

Irsay had undergone multiple surgeries following his final contests in powerlifting and the pain started to torment him. He started taking painkillers in an overabundance, which resulted in a shot to his health and an eventual overdose. While he was able to fight through and live past that stage, he reflects on this moment as a tremendous learning lesson in his life.
According to Benbow, Irsay had been in rehab 15 times in the wake of the overdose. He had been pushing his body to the maximum limit for years, lifting heavy weights and eating bulked meals each and every day. This took a toll on his physical and mental health and resulted in more than 23 surgeries after his professional career. Irsay was able to overcome these obstacles, but it was a journey nonetheless.