Elmo might be a simple muppet with child-like innocence, but he sure helped a lot of adult Americans feel seen with his latest X/Twitter post. The beloved furry red Sesame Street character took to social media on Monday to ask his millions of followers, “Elmo is just checking in! How is everybody doing?” What followed were some unexpectedly honest and raw responses.

Here are just a sampling of the types of answers he got:

“Elmo I'm suffering from existential dread over here.”

“Every morning, I cannot wait to go back to sleep. Every Monday, I cannot wait for Friday to come. Every single day and every single week for life.”

“The world is burning around us, Elmo.”

Those are just a few of the most poignant replies. The post quickly went viral and celebrities began weighing in as well. Actress Rachel Zegler admitted she was “resisting the urge to tell Elmo that I am kinda sad”.

Maybe it's our collective comfort and familiarity with Elmo, knowing he's been there for us since childhood. Maybe it's late January seasonal affective disorder setting in. Whatever the reason for the abundance of societal angst, people sure felt comfortable opening up to Elmo about it, and he took it all in stride.

“Wow! Elmo is glad he asked!” he posted on Tuesday night after absorbing all the feedback. “Elmo learned that it is important to ask a friend how they are doing. Elmo will check in again soon, friends! Elmo loves you. #EmotionalWellBeing.”

Leave it to Sesame Street to remind us of valuable lessons that carry resonance well into adulthood. The show's account on X/Twitter provided a link to mental health resources.

Other beloved Sesame Street characters echoed Elmo's sentiments in their own signature voices. Cookie Monster said, “Me here to talk it out whenever you want. Me will also supply cookies. #EmotionalWellBeing.”

Bert (as in the Bert, of Bert and Ernie) wrote, “I'm here if you ever need a shoulder to lean on. I'll make us both a warm cup of tea.”

NASA responded, “Thanks for checking in @Elmo. Reminding you all that you are made of star stuff. ✨”

Elmo even got a shoutout from President Biden, who wrote on his account, “I know how hard it is some days to sweep the clouds away and get to sunnier days,” referencing Sesame Street‘s emblematic theme song.

“We have to be there for each other, offer our help to a neighbor in need, and above all else, ask for help when we need it,” continued President Biden. “Even though it's hard, you're never alone.”

As of Wednesday morning, Elmo's original check-in post has been viewed 178.2 million times.

Elmo might not have known he'd open up a can of worms with the question, but it's a positive sign that people were able to open up and be honest with their old furry friend, and he didn't disappoint with his response.