A new Colombian operator and a new map set in Singapore are just the highlights of R6 Siege's Season 4: Operation Solar Raid, which is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. Here's everything else you need to know about Rainbow Six Siege Year 7 Season 4: Operation Solar Raid.

R6 Siege Operation Solar Raid: New Operator, New Map, Revamped Battle Pass

First announced two weeks ago, Operation Solar Raid might just be the most groundbreaking season for Rainbow Six Siege in history. Of course, the new season introduces a new operator and a new map, just like any other season, so we'll go over these two regulars first.

New Operator – Defender Solis

Season 4's new operator is the Columbian Defender named Solis. Her special gadget is the SPEC-IO Electro-Sensor gadget that gathers crucial intel for a coordinated strategy. Solis' information gathering gadget can analyze and identify Attacker devices including drones, breaching devices, et al. Her gloves also allow her to interact with the gadget overlay and trigger a cluster scan. With medium speed and medium health, she has enough mobility and tankiness to hold her own in battle in case she gets caught in the crossfire, especially since she's equipped with a P90 or an ITA 12L as her primary weapon are an SMG-11 as a secondary weapon.

Learn more about Solis and how to play her through the Operator and Gadget tips and tricks video by Ubisoft.

New Map – Nighthaven Labs

The new map for this season is the Nighthaven Labs, set in Singapore. Throughout Operation Solar Raid, Nighthaven Labs will not be bannable to maximize players' exposure to the new map and allow them to learn the ins and outs of it. It serves as an extension of the Nighthaven headquarters and has an open sea, green cliffs, and clear skies with immaculate architecture and technological marvels. Inside, there are many access points, allowing players to navigate freely through breakable walls and secret paths. Hence, the labyrinth-like structure will keep players on their toes as they try to outflank each other in this highly-challenging map to defend.

Learn more about the new map on Ubisoft's Nighthaven Labs Guide video.

Revamped Battle Pass

The Battle Pass in Year 7 Season 4 is now more customizable, as it now offers a non-linear progression path with branching routes that will allow players to choose which rewards they like better and prioritize earning those rewards over others. No matter which path the player takes first, however, they are still able to unlock everything if they play enough and complete the battle pass.

Reputation Standing

Players will now be able to see their Reputation Standing through the Reputation Score Display. During the beta phase, players won’t receive any positive or negative effects based on that Standing, allowing players to at least see what their Standing looks like right now and adjust accordingly. All punishments will be let loose in the following season, so low-scoring players should start playing nice moving forward to avoid consequences.

Ranked 2.0

MMR will no longer decide Rank starting with Solar Raid, but by how many Rank Points players win or lose after every Ranked match. Each Rank now has five divisions, requiring 100 Rank Points each to advance to the next. A new rank has been added between Platinum and Diamond called Emerald.

Since MMR is now separated from the player's Rank, it is now given a new name: skill. Skill is a hidden value for all playlists and will carry over from one season to the next. There will be no more squad MMR restriction, allowing players to freely squad up with any of their friends with no restrictions, with matchmaking now adapting accordingly. Ranked's reward system has been revamped as well, with players getting one reward for every Rank division achieved throughout the season.

Cross-Progression and Cross-Play

While Ranked will now allow players across different MMR levels play together, Ubisoft is allowing additional provisions that will make sure that any player can now play with any of their friends, console and platforms be damned. Yes, cross-progression and cross-play are now both enabled in Rainbow Six Siege starting Year 7 Season 4, truly allowing squads of friends from different states and backgrounds play together.

Quality of Life and Accessibility Features

Finally, quality of life and accessibility features are also added in this update. Among these quality of life changes include the removal of friendly fire during preparation phase, the ability to switch ammo types for devices without equipping them for Zofia and Capitao, a bombsite marker update, and a constant drone speed that doesn't slow down when strafing diagonally while using a controller. Operators now also move at the same speed while aiming down sights.

In terms of accessibility, Operation Solar Raid also adds an expanding team color customization options to Operator devices and Observation Tools. The color preferences are reflected in the visuals of the devices, helping players identify which is owned by who. When using Observation Tools, the LEDs now match the chosen team colors, giving players better visuals in-game.

Rainbow Six Siege Operation Solar Raid is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.