Ever since their heated 2022 Western Conference Semifinals matchup, things have been chippy between the Phoenix Suns and Dallas Mavericks. This has turned into one of the most exciting rivalries in the NBA, although it appears as though Grant Williams crossed a line during the Mavericks' 132-109 loss to the Suns on Wednesday night.

In the first quarter, Williams was trying to fight over a screen to stick to Kevin Durant. The Mavericks forward, however, got a bit too physical. He bumped into the Suns star, nudging him to the ground. Officials rightfully called that play a foul. However, Williams escalated the situation when he stepped towards Durant, with the Mavericks forward putting his foot between Durant's legs.

The Suns responded in defense of Durant, with Jusuf Nurkic straight up shoving Grant Williams to the ground. In the aftermath of the play, Durant and Williams both received a technical, while Nurkic also drew one for his troubles. Nonetheless, Devin Booker knows that it's the Suns who had the last laugh in their demolition of the Kyrie Irving-less Mavericks, with Booker even going as far as to say that Williams only had one mission entering the game, and that mission wasn't to play basketball.

“Hell yeah, it's not necessary. I don't think Grant Williams wanted to play basketball tonight. He wants to do the antics, man. We're out there trying to hoop. So big props to Nurk for holding that down. If I would've seen that, I would do the same thing. That's how we get down. We're not with the nonsense,” Booker told the Arizona's Family postgame booth in the aftermath of the Suns' blowout win over the Mavericks.


While Devin Booker wasn't involved in the altercation in the first quarter, he mostly let his game do the talking. Long criticized for wilting under the bright lights whenever he's in a matchup against Luka Doncic, the Suns star dropped 46 points on 17-23 shooting to lead the team in scoring. Meanwhile, Grant Williams barely made a dent before he left the game early after receiving a second technical in the third quarter.

This may have been a blowout, but as per usual, the Suns-Mavericks matchup delivered its fair share of drama in what continues to be one of the most riveting rivalries in the association.