The Sims 4 is welcoming its latest expansion on July 22. Sims 4: Cottage Living will be introducing a slew of new features and content into the game, so let's check out the latest from the recent livestream.

Incoming Create-A-Sim, Build/Buy Content

As usual, we will get a deluge of new Build/Buy objects that is compulsory for every expansion. For Cottage Living there's a big focus on ranching and farm-related objects. This includes animal sheds, chicken coops, and farming tools. New options for Create-A-Sim are also coming. Some gameplay-related Create-A-Sim options will be accompanying the usual new clothes and hairstyles that come with each new expansion. A new aspiration, Country Caretaker, focuses on Cottage Living‘s new farming and animal husbandry features. Additionally, Sims 4 will be adding new traits like Lactose Intolerant and Animal Enthusiast.

The Cottage Living expansion will also include a new home world, Henford-on-Bagley. It will consist of three neighborhoods – The Bramblewood, Finchwick, and Old New Henford. The new world is heavily inspired by the English countryside. It will feature some ancient ruins, quaint houses, old mills, pubs, and plenty of gardens. The Crumplebottom family will also be returning to the Sims with the new expansion pack.

Incoming Gameplay Features

The meat of the Cottage Living expansion, however, are new gameplay features. These features include animals that provide resources such as milk, eggs, and wool, alongside other wildlife that might aid in getting rare collectibles. Another focus is on farming – new recipes, a community crop competition, and more options for Sims to “live off the land”. The expansion will also include food preservation as canned food and jam jars. The cross-stitching skill, ordering groceries, and picnics will also be included in the expansion.

Free Updates to the Base Game

In addition to all these are incoming free additions to the base game. Sims 4 is getting a revamped water tool that will finally allow players to create ponds. The in-game calendar will also be seeing improvements – such as being able to schedule events early and new filter options. There's a lot to take in with the new Cottage Living expansion, it might be the meatiest Sims 4 content drop in a long time. This is a welcome sight for long-time fans, who have been felt that Sims 4‘s gameplay hasn't been up to par with past games in the series. Cottage Living is also the 11th full-scale expansion pack and 42nd piece of DLC for the Sims 4.