A new content update comes tomorrow, and Animal Crossing Hello Kitty is coming to Target very soon!


In a crossover announced over a month ago, Nintendo revealed that the beloved Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) will soon have Hello Kitty items in the game with their collaboration with Sanrio. The wait will soon be over, as Nintendo confirmed earlier this week that the Animal Crossing Hello Kitty collaboration will be pushing through.

Starting March 26,” Nintendo's blog post reads,the Animal Crossing Sanrio Collaboration Pack will be available for purchase at Target stores across the U.S. at a suggested retail price of $5.99.”

There will be six different Animal Crossing Hello Kitty collaboration packs available. The amiibo cards will invite Sanrio-themed characters to the player's island when used. The list of characters includes Rita, Chai, and Toby. The amiibo cards will also exchange bells for special Sanrio-themed furniture you can use to decorate your island.

Also starting March 26, players will gain access to a wide array of seasonal items. From March 26 to April 1, April Fool's Day-themed items will be shipped in the Nook Shop.


Meanwhile, a free content update will roll in on March 18, with a cake being redeemable for players to celebrate the game's one-year anniversary. The update gives players access to the Custom Design Pro Editor+, giving players more customization options for their island. The Custom Design Portal will now also be accessible through the Nook Phone. No more running to the Able Sisters just to use this feature!

Finally, players can still enjoy the Mario Anniversary items that launched last week. Players can dress up as Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and other characters, and set their islands to look like the courses from their favorite Super Mario games.

With the Animal Crossing Hello Kitty collaboration and these content updates, ACNH still looks fresh even a year after launch. If you haven't given the game a try yet, now's a great time to have a go with it.