Imagine if Konami were a lab scientist, and it made a graft between Among Us and the board game Clue. You'll get CRIMESIGHT, except unlike Among Us, it's only available on Windows.

Konami's new asymmetric multiplayer social deduction game, CRIMESIGHT, has just opened its doors for pre-registration. The registration period will be until July 10, 2021. The closed beta period already ongoing, lasting until July 11, 2021.

CRIMESIGHT takes place in the 2070s, with crime almost eradicate thanks to Minority Report-esque crime-predicting AI technology. Law enforcement authorities make use of an AI aptly called Sherlock. However, it finds out that a particular murder has been planned by an equally sly AI – Moriarty.

As one of the allies, Sherlock will guide players to figure out who the murderer is in CRIMESIGHT. However, there are also traitors amidst them, working with Moriarty. The traitors will have to isolate the target and the killer in the same room while the killer holds a weapon. Meanwhile, the allies will have to find out the killer before it's too late.

Sounds intriguing? Then don't forget to register. As mentioned, the game is currently on PC only – Steam in particular. To register, you will have to join CRIMESIGHT‘s Discord Server and retweet a tweet after following CRIMESIGHT‘s Twitter account. After joining the Discord Server, react with the designated emoji on the message at the landing channel of the server.