Dislyte’s latest event just dropped, which comes with a special banner for the newest 5-star esper on the block, Ollie. Under the name of Osiris, Ollie is a fighter Esper with a unique and specialized kit, but seemingly lacks the huge DPS you’d expect from a 5-star fighter. Pulling for a 5-star character in Dislyte is a heavy commitment, so we’re going to walk you through the ins and outs of Ollie, and decide whether he’s worth pulling or not. 

Ollie’s Advantages

First of all, Ollie is a Flow-element Esper with great base stats, which already puts him at an advantage against popular meta characters, who are mostly of the Inferno element. This makes fighting Li Ling, a very popular DPS Esper (and one you’ll see a lot in Point War), quite easier to manage. 

His third ability also deals additional damage based on the target’s Max HP, which is incredibly useful for fighting high HP Espers and Bosses, especially Kronos. Having his third ability proc with his passive essentially means he has two Law of Duats in one rotation, which can be a team lifesaver for Cube and Spatial Tower.

You Should Pull for Ollie if:

  1. You have a squishy main DPS Esper.
  2. You don’t like fighting against Li Ling.
  3. You like characters with unique traits or deemed ‘unorthodox’.
  4. You like his character design and/or gameplay.

Ollie’s Disadvantages

Ollie is, however, a very unorthodox character. He’s tagged as a fighter Esper, but essentially feels like a Defender character, due to his ability to recover allies and taunt foes. Unfortunately for him, the current meta revolves around control, and AP/SPD manipulation, and beating down the enemy team before they can even start to attack. Espers who can extend the fight like Hyde, Catherine, and Ollie, are still fully viable, but they are also incredibly difficult to build and execute. 

Don’t Pull for Ollie if:

  1. You want to follow the meta and excel in Point War.
  2. He doesn’t fit the play style you’re looking for (like beatdown or control).
  3. You want to pull for any 5-star, but not with Ollie having a rate-up. 

Ollie Performance Rating

Story: 7/10 (Good)
Cube: 8/10 (Great)
Kronos: 8/10 (Great)
Tower: 7/10 (Good)
Point War: 7/10 (Good)

Overall: 7.4/10 (Good-Great)

Verdict: Ollie is a good value for your pulls, but he’s not as impactful as other 5-star characters who can easily help you faceroll content.

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