While Kevin Durant certainly made an argument for biggest free agent surprise this summer by joining the Warriors, many others would argue that Dwyane Wade really takes the cake there by leaving the Heat for the Bulls. Wade's wife, Gabrielle Union, is definitely in the latter camp.

The actress recently sat down with Basketball Insiders' Alex Kennedy to talk about her life and career. Inevitably, the question of her husband changing teams came up. Kennedy asked Union when she “realized that Dwyane leaving Miami was a possibility,” to which she replied:

“It was shocking. There’s no way around that word. It takes some getting used to. We had just built our dream home in Miami and everyone sort of had their life in Miami so it’s big move for everyone. We all love Miami so much and Miami will still be one of our homes…

“Even when we were on vacation, I think me and everyone just kind of assumed [we’d be back]. Like, ‘It looks kind of bleak right now, but they’ll work it out. They always work it out! They’ll work it out.’ It probably wasn’t until Denver’s offer came in that I realized. That offer was… a lot. Then there was another offer and another offer and another offer. And it was like, ‘Oh wait, hold on. Are you thinking about this?’ I mean, how can you not?”

Union also spoke to the stereotypes that significant others of NBA players face:

“I think there are some stereotypes, but I mean some people live out those stereotypes (laughs). I do think there’s this idea that we’re all the same though. If one person opts to speak out, they’re a sinner; if one person opts to stay quiet, they’re a sinner. There’s the idea that everyone is a dim gold-digger who is just in it for a buck. Women who are married to professional athletes get a bad rap…

“There’s so much diversity within the wives of athletes. There’s just an enormous amount of diversity. I could go through so many stereotypes, but I’d just like for people to know that there are lovely, intelligent, amazing women who happen to be married to an athlete. And being married to an athlete isn’t the most interesting thing about them…

“Also, this idea that women can’t formulate their own ideas when it comes to sports is the biggest load of sh** I’ve ever heard”

The Wade family starts a new adventure in the Windy City next season.