Final Fantasy 14 devs re-designed the class icon for the upcoming Endwalker Sage job class. This came after fans complained that the previous icon triggered their trypophobia.
The lifeblood of a good live service game lies a lot within the relationship between its players and the game. Final Fantasy 14 nurtured its relationship with its fans very well over the course of its existence. They were able to do this because of how genuine its developers over at SQUARE ENIX want to connect with the community. This latest news piece about how the devs went the extra mile for their fans just proves that.
Producer & Director Naoki Yoshida addressed the issue in a blog post, saying: “When we released new details for sage and reaper on the special site, we also included their icons, not thinking that they were particularly big reveals. However, we soon received feedback from players all over the world, who told us that the sage icon made them uncomfortable or fearful.” The condition he is referring to is called trypophobia, a phobia that makes people feel uncomfortable around small holes or bumps. While it's not usually severe for most people, SQUARE ENIX still chose to go the safe route for their beloved FF14 community.
“You have given us your earnest feedback, and there's still time to change things,” the blog post continues. “Considering also the fact that job icons are prominently visible in the game, and that they also appear on merchandise, we've made the decision to redesign the sage icon.”
Such a wholesome gesture by SQUARE ENIX. No wonder FF14 has been consistently popular and well-loved by its fans.