As it turns out, not all players who are playing Final Fantasy 16 right now are giving Torgal the pets that he deserves.

When playing Final Fantasy 16, players will be able to get a variety of achievements. One of these achievements is “You Can Pet the Dog”. The achievement requires players to pet Torgal, their canine companion, five times. Players unlock the ability to pet Torgal soon after reuniting with him. Players can do this over and over again. This is how most players likely got their achievement within minutes of unlocking the ability to show Torgal love.

However, it would seem that players are not using this ability often enough. As brought up by the known Twitter user Can You Pet the Dog, only 37% of players have the achievement “You Can Pet the Dog.” That means that, at the time of their tweet, 63% of the player base had not pet Torgal the needed five times. He even said that “We can do better”.

His tweet has since then received replies from players who have “done their part”. Although no update has been given yet, an update from a different user shows that the number has gone up to at least 38%. The original tweet has since then been noticed by the official Final Fantasy 16 account, which taught players how they can pet Torgal.

Petting Torgal is not mandatory in Final Fantasy 16. Players can go through the whole game without doing it. However, as someone who assists you in getting through the game, automatically attacking your enemies and suppressing them at times, don't you think he deserves at least some show of affection? If you're one of the people who have not given Torgal the love and affection that is due him, then you should really do it soon.

Should the number of people who have this achievement reach even higher numbers, you can be sure that we will update you.

That's all the information we have about the people who are not showering Torgal with love on Final Fantasy 16. Check out our gaming news articles for the latest in gaming news.