The Ball family is an ongoing entertainment show. From the new Los Angeles Lakers guard Lonzo Ball controversially stating that old rappers are irrelevant, to his younger brother LaMelo getting signature sneakers and getting a Lamborghini for his 16th birthday, this family is worth following.
As it was mentioned, LaMelo Ball has gotten signature sneakers despite not even playing at a college level yet. However, NCAA has very strict rules on athletes making money from their own name, and they might rule LaMelo ineligible to even play, even though he verbally committed to UCLA. Players in the past were suspended or fined for accepting free lunches or free plane tickets from coaches, so this could be a huge problem.
However, the eccentric father of the family, LaVar Ball, is standing behind his son. Ball spoke to Baxter Holmes from ESPN about their actions if the high school star is really ruled ineligible.
“We’ll sit out a year or two,” LaVar said. “Just get stronger and faster, and then go into [NBA training] camp as a free agent. He already got the narrative — he can play, he can play. You see what he’s doing at 15 and 16. Don’t think that by the time he gets 17, 18 that he ain’t going to be 10 times better than what he is now. And everybody says, ‘Oh, he got to gain more weight.’ Why? What you have to do is be strong. It ain’t about the weight. It’s about the strength.”
Ball will likely enter the 2020 NBA Draft. While playing oversees is an option if he is truly ineligible to play in college, LaVar Ball has stated multiple times that they will not do that.