Dr. Anthony Fauci, the popular infectious disease expert who has been the face of the United States' fight against the novel coronavirus, admitted the only way the NBA and other professional sports are played at all this summer is to do so without fans and by keeping players isolated in hotels.

“There's a way of doing that,” Fauci told Snapchat's Peter Hamby as part of a weeklong interview series, according to ESPN. “Nobody comes to the stadium. Put [the players] in big hotels, wherever you want to play, keep them pretty well surveilled … have them tested every single week and make sure they don't wind up infecting each other or their family and just let them play the season out.”

The NBA has already lined out a Las Vegas plan that would have team sequestered in hotels to potentially play out a reduced version of the regular season and postseason. Major League Baseball is planning a similar route, moving teams to Arizona and having them play in facilities normally used for spring training.

In both cases, players would need immediate access to testing, which isn't available yet — not to mention the sheer amount needed for players, coaches, and essential staff.

Both of these plans would take place with no attendance whatsoever, which as Dr. Fauci explained, is the only rational way to go about this ambitious proposition.

According to a study at Seton Hall University's Stillman School of Business, 72% of Americans would not feel comfortable attending sporting events this year without a vaccine for the coronavirus.

That makes the no-fans-allowed plan less risky and more plausible, considering that teams would not be getting anywhere near normal attendance.

Two more parts of the Snapchat interview with Dr. Fauci are slated for released Thursday and Friday, respectively.