In video games, players get access to awesome and powerful weapons they use to vanquish foes and save the day. It would be cool to also have these guns in real life. That's why The ToyZone re-designed seven iconic guns from video game history, re-imagining them as Nerf Guns. Dubbed “NERD Blasters”, short for Non-Existing Recreational Dart Blasters, these conceptual designs are also now available as NFTs. So for the collectors out there, it's time to get your hands on some of video game history's most iconic weapons.


Nerf Guns allow kids and kids at heart to harmlessly shoot at each other. But it would be way cooler if the Nerf Guns you use are designed after the iconic weapons you use in video games. That's why The ToyZone minted seven different iconic weapons into their imaginary NERD Guns. These designs, although currently existing only in digital form, can one day become real-life Nerf Guns, too. Better yet, with the potential of NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, these Nerf Guns can even appear in other virtual worlds, one day.

The seven guns that The ToyZone minted come from a diverse set of games. We're sure that kids these days no longer know about the fun we've had with GoldenEye back in the day. But kids-at-heart can still enjoy these seven iconic NERD Guns designed by The ToyZone (click the links for the NFTs):

  1. Doom’s Super Shotgun
  2. Half Life II’s Gravity Gun
  3. GoldenEye 007’s Golden Gun
  4. Team Fortress 2’s Demoman Grenade Launcher
  5. Fallout 3’s Fat Man
  6. Destiny 2’s Ace of Spades
  7. Cyberpunk 2077’s Skippy

There's a real possibility of these designs actually finding their way to store shelves. Hasbro, the owners of Nerf Guns, has been making Fortnite-themed and Halo-themed Nerf Guns already, after all. This gives collectors even more incentive in investing in these NFTs, as they can gain money from selling these designs to potential toymakers.