The game is just two days old, and the problems just keep on coming. As if the first DDoS attack wasn't enough, Overwatch 2 is it once again by another attack, further aggravating the already long queue times. Not only that, Overwatch 2 is preventing players who own prepaid numbers from even playing the game. Keep reading to learn more.

Aaron Keller, game director of Overwatch 2, tweeted that the game experienced a second DDoS attack. He mentioned that they were “steadily making progress on server issues and stability.” He also noted that the team was “all hands on deck and will continue to work throughout the night”. As of the writing of this article, there have been no further updates regarding the server's condition. There are also no updates regarding the DDoS attack. It is currently unknown whether or not there will be a third DDoS attack. However, I personally believe it wouldn't matter. Overwatch 2's long queue times are already making access to the game hard as it is.

Speaking of access to the game being hard, Overwatch 2's SMS Protect is making it hard for players with prepaid mobile numbers to even play the game. SMS Protect is one of the new features that became mandatory to play Overwatch 2. Players don't actually have to activate the Two Factor Authentication. They just need to have a phone number bound to their accounts. This feature seeks to combat smurf accounts, seeing how Overwatch 2 is now a free game. However, it would seem that some numbers are being blocked by Blizzard.

According to VGC, players who own numbers from providers such as Cricket Wireless, Mint Mobile, Metro by T-Mobile, Tello, Republic Wireless, and Straight Talk are not able to connect their numbers and access the game. One player even goes so far as to say that “Blizzard is the first company to make me feel too poor to play a game”. While this feature is one of the bigger problems that plague the game right now, it seems that it's here to stay. We'll just have to wait and see if Blizzard will be able to fix this problem in the future.

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