Two skins inspired by the Ruined King game will be coming soon to League of Legends. Sea Dog Yasuo and Gangplank the Betrayer contain interesting references to Ruined King, and are both pleasing to the eye.

Sea Dog Yasuo – 1350 RP

Empowered by the Buhru during his fight against Viego of Camavor, Yasuo made an unlikely champion for the children of Nagakabouros– his obsession with past events flew in the face of everything they believed in. Yet even the mangiest sea dog has his day, and Yasuo stood against the forces of darkness, emerging triumphant.

Sea Dog Yasuo has the full Atlantic samurai get up, seemingly to be powered by the goddess Nagakabouros' tentacles. His golden armor is undertoned by aqua green scales that match the glow of his eyes. Yasuo's blade looks to be made of water that swirls up and around his arm. All in all, the Sea Dog Yasuo splash art is certainly unique and unmistakable for any of his other skins.

Sea Dog Yasuo's aquatic colors stand out more in-game, especially the tentacled piece of armor on his shoulder. His blade looks more serrated that it does in the splash art. When his passive shield is activated, Sea Dog Yasuo gets a shield that looks like Nami's Q – Aqua Prison bubble, instead of a classic wispy wind texture. His normal attacks also have nice effects that make it look like he's slashing a portal of water. His Q, of course, shares the same effects. The tornado from his Q looks like a whirlpool, and might be hard to spot in team  fights seeing as it lacks contrast from the Rift. Yasuo's W looks more like a water wall, and has faint silhouettes of tentacles traveling from below. The tentacle theme follows onto his E, where the enemies will be circled by a faintly tentacle shaped symbol when Yasuo's dash is on cooldown for that target. Water pillars denote the effect of Sea Dog Yasuo's ultimate on them, that eventually crash down after the effect.

Overall, Sea Dog Yasuo doesn't feel “heavy” and the colors are nice to the eyes. Definitely a skin to add to a Yasuo main's arsenal.

Sea Dog Gangplank

“Neither the flames nor the depths could claim me.”

Energized by a mysterious amulet containing Viego of Camavor and wielding the Blade of the Ruined King, Gangplank's personality erupted as he raged in search of the long-lost Isolde. Though ultimately freed of the King's influence by a group of heroes, he carries the experience with him… a reminder, perhaps, of true power.

Burly and armed, Gangplank the Betrayer rides the waves of mist. Gangplank wears an emerald necklace around his neck, and markings left by the Ruined King is left on his body. Now sporting an interesting mohawk, Gangplank looks mad as ever to whoever he's pointing his gun to. As an easter egg of sorts, the Blade of the Ruined King Viego is visible on the side.

The references to Viego continue in Gangplank the Betrayer's recall, with the Blade of the Ruined King once making an appearance. Gangplank the Betrayer has the greenish color of Viego's mist as its theme. This green shade is visible on Gangplank's sword, and the particles on his Q and W. The barrels from Gangplank's E ability are also a shade of green, with rope tied around it giving a “sunken” feel. The area of effect of the ultimate is also shaded this green, and the pellets raining down also leave a misty trail.

This is not at all an outstanding Gangplank skin, but as with Sea Dog Yasuo, the colors on Gangplank the Betrayer are easy on the eyes.

These skins will be available on League of Legends patch 12.8. For more League of Legends news, click here.