Earlier in the year, Team SoloMid (TSM) founder and owner Andy “Reginald” Dinh found himself in hot water… again. The former pro-player turned owner was the subject of criticism when Peng “Doublelift” Yiliang accused him of fostering a toxic workplace culture. According to the LCS legend, players would be routinely subjected to abuse and bullying.

Reginald denied these accusations from Doublelift. However, Riot Games' own investigation yielded a different conclusion. The company released the results of their investigation on the TSM owner. Riot found Reginald guilty of all the accusations lobbed at him. Here's the official TL;DR of the competitive ruling of Riot.

  • The League believes that there was a pattern and practice of disparaging and bullying behavior exhibited by Andy Dinh towards TSM players and staff members;
  • TSM is fined seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000), Dinh must complete sensitivity training and executive training and Dinh is on probation for the next two years across the Riot ecosystem; and
  • An independent monitor is being appointed to operate a tip-line and follow-through with regular check-ins with TSM League of Legends players.

If you want to read the entirety of the report, click here.

The $75,000 fine is an atypical punishment from Riot Games. As noted in their report, this is three times the traditional fine they hand out to players who exhibit similar behavior. According to Riot, this was done in order to reflect the years-long behavior they saw from their investigation.

Reginald's handling of the TSM brand has long been criticized by former and current players for the organization. Their League of Legends teams, in particular, have garnered a lot of heat due to the lack of results. Regi's questionable public outbursts have only served to stoke the flames against him and his organization. It's now up to Reginald to show that he can change his questionable leadership style for the better.