The Golden State Warriors are probably one of the happiest teams to see rest periods on the new NBA schedule since they've gone deep into the playoffs for the last three seasons.

Coach Steve Kerr is certainly in a welcoming mood upon seeing next season's schedule and sent praise to the league and commissioner Adam Silver for working diligently to ensure players receive more down time.

Kerr opened up to 95.7 The Game's Damon Bruce about it and loves the fact that he doesn't feel the need to sit players at random times during the season to protect them from injury.

“I have zero complaints about our schedule and I think it's really a tribute to the work that Adam and the league do with the players and the union to try to work together to put together the best possible product for our fans. Everything just checks out.”

The significance of Kerr's elation is the fact that just one year ago, he absolutely despised the schedule and even bargained earlier this year that he would willingly take a pay cut if the NBA would agree to shorten the season.

Now, the league has eliminated the dreaded four games in five nights, and reduced back to back games which will significantly reduce wear and tear on players throughout the year.

“That's the beauty of this schedule, is that the league and Adam Silver, they really listened to us. They listened to our thoughts and our concerns and our complaints. Obviously adding a week to the calendar of the season helped quite a bit.”

Indeed they did listen, and the rest will be well-earned because the Warriors will be featured a whopping 43 times in nationally televised games this season.