World War Z Aftermath recently announced Horde Mode XL, which pits players against hordes with sizes never before seen.

Before we dive into the details, let’s talk about when this mode is coming out. World War Z: Aftermath’s Horde Mode XL will come out on January 24, 2023. However, that’s not the only big piece of news. Alongside this mode’s release is the release of the game on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. At the moment, the game is only available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. No pre-order is available as of yet for the next-gen versions of the game. Players who own the game on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will, however, receive a free upgrade to their next-gen counterparts. This next-gen version will have 4k resolution, and 60 FPS.

Horde Mode is a staple in World War Z Aftermath, pitting players against large numbers of zombies. Horde Mode XL cranks that up to eleven, as hordes can now reach huge numbers. To be exact, horde sizes can reach over 1,000 in number. Dealing with normal hordes is difficult enough as it is. As such, players will have to really work together to survive, especially on higher difficulties. Hopefully, the new weapons and updated weapon progression system will help in this.

There is, however, one important caveat to this. Horde Mode XL will only be available on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC versions of the game. If you’ll play the game on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, you will not have access to this game mode. This is understandable, as Horde Mode XL will most likely take up a lot of processing power to run smoothly, something last-gen consoles may have trouble with. As such, instead of forcing older consoles to run at sub-par performance, they most likely chose an exclusive release. This doesn’t mean, however, that players will miss out. World War Z Aftermath is already very fun on its own.

That’s all the information we have about the upcoming Horde Mode XL for World War Z Aftermath. For the latest in gaming news, you can check out our gaming news articles.