It's hard to find many people in Oklahoma City who weren't upset by Kevin Durant‘s departure from the Thunder. Some people are doing their best to move on, but when the news initially broke, the collective anger was palpable from coast to coast. One of the few voices on the other end of the spectrum in OKC comes from Durant's former teammate, Anthony Morrow.

This might be a little surprising, but his explanation makes a lot of sense.

Morrow's minutes were almost cut in half last season, and his numbers suffered as a result. He'll likely have a larger role now that Durant is gone, but that doesn't appear to be a reason for him supporting KD's decision, or at least accepting it.

Here's Morrow's statement on the matter, courtesy of Fred Katz and Sirius XM Radio:

“The thing is – with me personally – we talked all offseason, and it wasn't really about basketball. Nothing was really basketball. It was just whatever's going on with our families and stuff like that. So, for him to make that decision, I didn't feel betrayed or anything like that. I think we were more shocked at where he went and all that. It think that was more of a shocking factor right there. But other than that, it is what it is. I didn't feel like he owed me anything, but at the same time it is what it is. It's business; it's basketball. That's that man's career. That's that man's life, and he made his own decision as a man. Like it or love it, hate it or love it, he made his decision.”

Morrow's take is quite mature, and really refreshing in a situation where group think has dominated. In a time where social media allows for the proliferation of angry and hateful comments, it's nice to see a player with a different outlook on things.