Respawn Entertainment is stirring up something new for events in Apex Legends Season 10. Respawn is introducing Apex Chronicles featuring everyone’s favorite tracker Bloodhound. Apex Chronicles will consist of a series of unique quests with specific rewards for each quest.  

Apex Legends is famously known for its expansive lore. Respawn has explored many different ways to tell the tales of each in-game legend. For a while now, Apex has been releasing animated shorts, legend trailers, and in-game digital comics to narrate everyone’s story. Apex Chronicles brings in a new method of story-telling since it’ll be a story-based event. Here’s everything that you need to know about the Apex Chronicles event.

The first-ever Apex Chronicles event will be about Bloodhound which features a brand new story to unfold. The story-based quests will mainly revolve around Bloodhound’s past dealing with the crumbling world they once lived in. 

How to complete Bloodhound Event

In order to trigger the Chronicles questline, players must queue in World’s Edge as Bloodhound. Once you’ve entered the map, you’ll be on the hunt for a white raven which would commence the Chronicles’ prologue. After completing this task, it will then set the tone for the remaining story quests of “Old Ways, New Dawn”. 

Respawn is yet to confirmed what specific tasks are in store after completing the prologue. All we know for now is that Chapter 1 will commence right after the completion of the prologue. The remaining chapters will become available at a later date. For now, players just need to focus on completing both the prologue and Chapter 1 of “Old Ways, New Dawn”.

Apex Chronicles Event Rewards

As always, players will receive rewards for every quest they complete in the event. Players will be receiving the following:

  • Battle Pass Stars for completing each chapter
  • 3 Bloodhound-themed Apex Packs after completing the entire Chronicle

Are you ready to learn more about everyone’s favorite Technological Tracker?  Bloodhound’s Event is live now for players to start completing.