World's Edge, the map introduced in season 3 of Apex Legends, is returning to the sci-fi battle royale today. Players old and new can now return to the harsh planet map in search of an Apex Champions title.

The return of World's Edge won't be without changes as several key areas in the map have changed to reflect the game's story progression. One minimal change to the map is the disappearance of the rocket in the Launch Site, which can now be seen on Olympus. This follows the season six map change that saw the removal of the train roaming around the map. Nevertheless, it will still be a warm reunion for veterans of the battle royale.

A familiar place in Apex Legends

Apex Legend's second map is officially back in the map rotation alongside the latest map addition, Olympus. This marks the end of Olympus' two-week exclusivity in the game following the launch of season seven. It's also been two weeks since the game officially launched on the Steam platform.

It will be a refreshing change for new players to be able to explore a brand new map after having only played on Olympus for two weeks. Conversely, veteran players can enjoy roaming their favorite sites on the World's Edge map. Developers Respawn has said that King's Canyon will be completely out of the rotation this season but will return sometime later, presumably during the next season.

Apex Legends is slowly gaining traction on the popular PC gaming platform, Steam. The return of an old beloved map may help increase its popularity in its brand new home on PC.