Jirard Khalil, known on the Internet as the Youtube personality The Completionist, needs Chris Evans' signature. We would like to request Mr. Evans to sign the poster, once and for all. Let us explain.


The Completionist is one of the most prolific Youtube creators for gaming. The channel is known for the tagline, “We don't just beat the games, we complete them.” The game finds its roots back in 2012. From those early days, the influence of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

From the music, the intro sequence, and the overlays, you can't deny the inspiration the film (and subsequent game) had on the channel. Even when the game tie-in left play stores, Jirard continued to talk about the game and even predicted its return. He loves the franchise so much that he watched the film in theaters 11 times, and even has a poster signed by everyone in the movie's cast. Well, everyone except one.


In his latest video, Jirard revisited Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game. He first reviewed the game way back in 2012. When the game returned to storefronts this year, Jirard just had to replay the game. In the review, he recalls his experience and revisited his love for the franchise. He also noticed something new about the game: a Platinum Trophy in the game is named “The Completionist. Did the developers name the trophy after Jirard? He himself thought so.

“I know Scott Pilgrim lore, I know a lot about the films and comics and game,” says Jirard. “And there's nothing referencing The Completionist. So this might be a reference to me.”

To confirm this, Jirard sent an email to Ubisoft to confirm his hunch. However, later in the video, Jirard received a disappointing email. “It looks like the name of the platinum trophy was purely coincidental,” the email reads. “We've sent a notice with the production team to triple-check, but usually we tell creators if we did make a reference to them in the game.”

You can see the disappointment in Jirard's face as he read the email. “I'm not that bummed,” he says after a deep sigh. “I'm just disappointed. That's okay. At least the game's out, that's important.”


With Jirard disappointed by the revelation, there's just one thing that can make up for it. Chris Evans has to sign his Scott Pilgrim movie poster. Chris Evans, who played the Evil Ex Lucas Lee in the movie, is the only member of the cast that hasn't signed Jirard's poster. Even the creator of the whole franchise, Bryan Lee O'Malley, has his signature on the poster.

“In the tenth time in theater,” says Jirard, talking about one of the times he watched the film. “Was when the movie came to blu-ray. They were doing a special combo screening where you can go meet the cast and crew.” Jirard and a friend went all the way to Hollywood to watch this special screening. “I waited in the cold at about 9 am, 10 am?” recalls Jirard. “I brought my poster here… I have almost everyone [in the main cast's] signature except one person's, and that one person happens to be the person with America's ass, Chris Evans.”

Jirard then recounts how he has crossed paths with Chris Evans multiple times, but felt that he might be bothering him if he approached him just to get him to sign his poster. “I realized I would just be adding to the white noise of the people who are bothering him all the time.”

“One day, I will meet Chris Evans,” says Jirard. “and he will sign this poster, and it will complete the poster, and thus my life. Unless Chris Evans hates me.”

Chris Evans definitely has no reason to hate Jirard, and therefore he clearly has to sign Jirard's poster and complete his life for him. For over a decade of The Completionist completing games, it's time for someone to complete him.

Mr. Evans, make it so.