Even as Game of Thrones fans are gearing up for its prequel House of the Dragon's season two premiere this Sunday, its creator George R.R. Martin has just announced an exciting update on a new series on his blog.

He said that the Princess Nymeria prequel that had been scrapped earlier, Ten Thousand Ships, has been given new life and is being developed under a new writer, Pulitzer Prize winner for Primary Trust, Eboni Booth.

“She's an amazingly talented young playwright, and a joy to work with; when not writing and producing her prize-winning plays on- and off-Broadway, she has been kept busy by me and HBO, working on a new pilot for Ten Thousand Ships, a Game of Thrones spinoff about Nymeria and the Rhoynar,” Martin wrote on his Not A Blog blog.

All Hail the Queen Nymeria

“We're all very excited about this one … though we're still trying to figure out how we're going to pay for 10,000 ships, 300 dragons and those giant turtles,” his post continued.

The series will be set 1,000 years before the events of Game of Thrones, and will follow the story of the warrior queen Princess Nymeria, who founded the kingdom of Dorne, and her Rhoynars. They traveled to Dorne from Essos after they were defeated by the Valyrians and their dragons. HBO | Max has not given a comment.

Ten Thousand Ships was part of the five prequel commissions that HBO had ordered from different writers to potentially be the next Game of Thrones.

Brian Helgeland, who worked on the project, said to Inverse earlier this year, “It was kind of like Ray Harryhausen's Sinbad films mixed with The Odyssey … It came out great, but I think they felt the period of my show was far too removed from the pillars of the original. That's why it hasn't been picked up yet, but nothing is ever dead … My script was based on Queen Nymeria and this little blurb about her that was in a Westeros encyclopedia. Essentially it was the story of Moses but swapping him out for Nymeria.”

“Her country gets ruined and her people are forced to live on the water, which is why the show was called Ten Thousand Ships … They end up having to leave and find a new home like the Israelites leaving Egypt. She's leading all these people, trying to hold everyone together but things are always in danger of falling apart as they travel around a fictionalized version of the Mediterranean, looking for a new home to settle in. Their life was nomadic. Living in a raft city that was bound together, this big floating city,” he continued.

The Dorne we all deserved in Game of Thrones

HBO, Game of Thrones

It seems like HBO is still investing in new GoT content even in the middle of corporations tightening their belts. One that has already been greenlit is A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, which already has updates including a director in Owen Harris, lead stars in Peter Claffey as Ser Duncan the Tall and Dexter Sol Ansell as his squire egg, as well as the episode count, six. However, the Jon Snow prequel is still on the back burner.

And hopefully HBO will be able to cough up the necessary gold for 10,000 ships, 300 dragons, giant turtles, and the Dorne every Game of Thrones fan wanted to see but didn't.