
Half Of CD Projekt Red Now Working On New Witcher Game

CD Projekt Red shifts focus to the Witcher series, dedicating nearly half its team to develop Polaris, the next installment.

CD Projekt Red New Witcher game teaser

In a move that underscores their commitment to quality and innovation, CD Projekt Red, the acclaimed video game developer, has recently allocated nearly half of its workforce to the development of the new Witcher game, known under the working title Polaris. This significant shift in resources was disclosed in the company's latest earnings report, with approximately 330 developers now dedicated to this project as of October 31, 2023.

This redeployment of talent follows the release of the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, Phantom Liberty. The reallocation signals a major strategic focus on the Witcher series, a move that is likely to excite fans of the franchise. The Polaris team, which represents just under 50% of the company's development staff, illustrates the studio’s commitment to the next chapter of this beloved series.

Adam Kiciński, the CEO of CD Projekt Red, has shared insights into the growing scale of the Polaris project. He indicated that the team is expected to grow beyond 400 developers by mid-2024. This increase is significant, considering that in July 2023, the team had already expanded to 260 members. Notably, more than a quarter of these developers are transitioning from their work on Phantom Liberty and other projects, including the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel codenamed Orion, to contribute to Polaris.

While the studio has been forthcoming about the scale of the team working on Polaris, it has remained relatively secretive about the specific stage of development the game is in. The only concrete information released was in May 2022, confirming that Polaris had entered the pre-production phase. This lack of detailed updates has sparked considerable speculation among fans about what new directions and features the upcoming game might offer.

Kiciński has also been managing expectations regarding the release timeframe for Polaris. He suggested that the game is still a minimum of three years away from being ready for launch. This timeline takes into account not just the challenges of crafting a new game but also the complexities involved in developing new technology, specifically within Unreal Engine 5. This ambitious approach is not just about creating a new installment in the Witcher series but also about pushing the envelope in gaming technology.

The announcement of Polaris in March 2022 was a clear indication of CD Projekt Red's dedication to advancing the gaming industry. While the typical development cycle for a game, especially when it involves new technology, is around four to five years, the unique circumstances surrounding Polaris might hasten this timeline, as suggested by Michał Nowakowski, the Chief Commercial Officer of CD Projekt Red.

The excitement for the next Witcher installment is palpable within the gaming community. With a seasoned team, cutting-edge technology, and the legacy of The Witcher series, Polaris is poised to offer a gaming experience that goes beyond traditional expectations. CD Projekt Red’s focus on Polaris is not just a commitment to their flagship series but is also indicative of their ambition to lead and innovate in the gaming industry.

The extensive resource allocation by CD Projekt Red towards the development of Polaris, the new Witcher game, highlights the studio's deep investment in further developing a beloved franchise. This move, involving nearly half of the company's development team, reflects a significant commitment to both the series' legacy and the potential for future advancements in gaming. The anticipation surrounding Polaris is not just about the continuation of a popular series, but also about the studio's reputation for delivering immersive, detailed, and rich gaming experiences.