Capcom has just announced that a new digital event for their popular action RPG series, Monster Hunter, will be set for the month of March 2022. This digital event will be entirely focused on the upcoming release of Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, which is currently set for a Summer 2022 release.
In a post made over at the official Monster Hunter Twitter page, it states that the digital event will last for about 20 minutes, which will feature reveals of new monsters, new gameplay mechanics, and more. No other details regarding the digital event have been mentioned.
Despite no leaks or hints of information for the digital event, fans have already predicted what kinds of new features and aspects will be demonstrated at this event. The most prominent aspect that fans can expect will be new details regarding Sunbreak's flagship monster, Malzeno, a dark and mysterious elder dragon that has been briefly shown in the Sunbreak reveal trailer.
Also showcased in the trailer from the 2021 Game Awards show, there will be a new region called “Elgado” for players to explore. If the expansion from Capcom's previous Monster Hunter title, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne serves as any indication, this new locale will most likely come complete with a new town for hunters to stock up on supplies, and a gathering hub for players to hang out and accept quests.
Besides new monsters and a new locale, players can also expect new silk bind moves for all their favorite weapons, allowing hunters to destroy their enemies in powerful new ways. Lastly, some players are still holding out that Sunbreak could possibly mark the reveal of a brand new weapon type, or at the very least, the reveal of weapon types that were exclusive to the now discontinued Japan-exclusive “Monster Hunter Frontier Online”, such as the Tonfas or Magnet Spike.
While a new weapon type still may be a dream, there's still a whole lot to look forward to with this upcoming digital event for Monster Hunter Rise, which will be on March 15, 2022, at 14:00 GMT / 7:00 AM PDT / 10:00 AM EST over at Twitch.TV.