Brooklyn Nets star Kevin Durant and Charles Barkley got into a bit of a feud this week after Chuck called KD a “bus rider”, which the latter believed was a shot at him not being able to lead a team to the promised land. Durant took it personally and fired back at Barkley on IG, posting several photos of the Hall of Famer from his playing days with numerous different superstar teammates, basically insinuating that Chuck wouldn't have been anything without his co-stars.

Anyway, the Inside The NBA crew of course discussed the whole fiasco on Tuesday night and Barkley clarified he really wasn't trying to put down the Nets veteran. By the end of the show, we thought the whole discussion was over. That's until Ernie Johnson hilariously handed Barkley the keys to a bus.

Take a look:

It doesn't stop there, though. Inside The NBA then clowned the Nets with this:

Absolutely priceless. Chuck is now a “bus rider” too. Was this a shot at KD as well? Probably. But, it was hysterical. The Nets forward has been catching serious flak after Brooklyn was swept by the Boston Celtics, with many believing he doesn't know what it takes to be the focal point of a championship-caliber team. Take it for what you will but no matter his struggles in the first round, Kevin Durant is still one of the greatest players to ever pick up a basketball.