Square Enix officially created a YouTube channel dedicated to music called SQUARE ENIX MUSIC Channel. Viewers and listeners can access this channel to listen to all of Square Enix’s original video game OSTs. 

The SQUARE ENIX MUSIC Channel features over 5,000 of Square Enix’s original music coming from their library of games. The publishers even put a more trendy twist to their tracks so that even non-gamers give it a listen. Some tracks sound almost exactly the same as before, but, the majority have a LoFi beat infused.  It’s a perfect compilation of music to listen to while studying, working, or even just chilling. 

We have a hunch that most of the listeners will be avid gamers of numerous Square Enix titles. Expect to hear familiar sounds from the likes of Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Chrono Trigger, and Nier Automata. This is definitely a playlist that fans of these franchises wouldn’t want to miss out on. Especially now that these tracks have a remix of LoFi beats included. It’ll be a combination of nostalgia and rediscovering the possibilities of brand new sounds coming from an old track. 

Square Enix definitely did a good job of creating a dedicated music platform to publish their music. Sad to say, we can’t give the same praise to Nintendo. Just recently, a popular YouTube Channel named GilvaSunner is now officially deactivated. The channel owner uploaded various Nintendo soundtracks on their channel which received 3,500 copyright strikes in the process. GilvaSunner announced on Twitter that ‘It’s not really worth it to keep the channel up any longer.’ 

Nintendo should recognize by now that many fans love listening to their music outside of their actual games. It’s understandable that they don’t like the idea of anybody else posting their content for them. This is exactly why we think it’s about time that Nintendo should create their own channel dedicated to gaming OSTs as well. Plus, they can make a few extra dollars from YouTube’s monetization system.