With Imperial composition being buffed into the TFT meta, Riot decided to nerf it a bit on the mid-patch update for TFT patch 12.2. The Imperial bug fix was a huge unintended buff where Imperial 5's damage buff on all Imperial units is no longer removed during some combats in uncommon situations. To offset this buff, Swain and Talon was targeted instead to bring the trait down a notch by reducing the damage they do individually with their skills. The mid-patch also reverted Cho'Gath's buff as well as the number of Portable Forge items and nerfs on the items available. The full patch 12.2 is available here as well as the mid-patch notes.

Here is the list of the mid-patch:

TFT mid-patch 12.2 notes

Champions nerfed for the patch


  • Reduced Scaling Spell Damage: 250/375/525 to 250/340/480


  • Reduced Scaling Spell Damage: 450/625/950 to 425/600/900


  • Reduced Armor and Magic Resist: 55 to 50
  • Lowered Attack speed: 0.6 to 0.55



  • Lowered Tyrant Damage Amplification: 80/150% to 75/135%
  • Imperial Damage Amp: 0/80% to 0/75%

Portable Forge Items

Death’s Defiance

  • Armor: 40 to 20
  • AD: 25 to 20
  • Attack speed: 25% to 20%

Gold Collector

  • AD: 30 to 20

Infinity Force

  • All stats: 33 to 30

Normal Items

Rapidfire Cannon

  • Attack speed: 60% to 55%

Over the past Set 6 TFT Tournaments, Reroll Swain and Talon made a few appearances. The two-cost champion made their names as high damage input as well as Swain's heavy sustain. They now got a nerf to both their scaled spell powers within the 12.2 mid-patch. In line with Swain and Talon's nerfs, the Imperial trait reduced its overall damage output, whoever the Tyrant is. Reroll Swain and Talon, along with their trait Tyrant 5 is still viable to the meta of the game. It won't be as broken as before but it will counter some of the team compositions.

TFT's next update will happen next on Feb. 3 for Patch 12.3. We need to keep an eye on which broken comp would be focused on during this adjustment of Patch 12.2. They will also introduce Set 6.5, Neon Nights to PBE servers. We will see firsthand three unique champions such as Alistar, Corki, and amazingly Silco in the mid-set update. New traits also await us in the next Set of TFT.