First announced back in AprilThe Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is finally coming out this week.

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Release Date: July 27, 2021

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles bundles the two The Great Ace Attorney games from the Nintendo 3DS into one complete package. Originally a Japan-only game, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles will come out worldwide on July 27, 2021, on PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows PC.

The game follows the exploits of student lawyer Ryonosuke Naruhudo, an ancestor of Phoenix Wright. The player will go through different cases and trials, defending their clients before a jury. Just like previous Ace Attorney games, this one involves both exploration, investigation, narrative dialogues, and of course, court battles. New to the series is the Joint Reasoning mechanic, where Naruhodo and Herlock Sholmes join their wits together to figure out what really happened in crime scenes.

The two games bundled in here are Adventures and Resolve. While Adventures brought the Ace Attorney series forward with the new jury and Joint Reasoning gameplay mechanics, Resolve refined the cases and expanded the story of the duology. Both games will be a great way for players to experience crime and court dramas.