Things got a bit funny at CNN's New Year's Eve special when John Mayer cracked up host Anderson Cooper — who couldn't stop laughing.

The singer appeared during the CNN broadcast featuring Cooper and Andy Cohen as host, The Hollywood Reporter states.

Anderson Cooper cracks up over John Mayer's interview at a cat bar in Tokyo during New Year's Eve broadcast

What made the event funny was Mayer's appearance from a Tokyo cat bar surrounded by cats. Plus, alcohol may have played a part since the two hosts were boozing throughout the night.

Also, Mayer had a deadpan expression throughout the interview while the kitties wandered around, with apparent free range of the place.

“This doesn't look sanitary, John!” Cohen said while bursting out laughing. “I believe it passes all health codes, so I think it's just fine,” Mayer responds.

Cooper couldn't handle hardly any of the discussion. He ducked his head from the camera because he uncontrollably laughed so hard.

In the meantime, John is seen feeding the cats and talking about it being a paste of some sort as a treat. Cohen asked if it was catnip.

Apparently, the cat's butt in the singer's face was what really made the tears flow from laughing so hard. Throughout the entire interview cats typically had their rear ends towards Mayer.

It got to the point where Cohen said Cooper was off camera due to laughing and commented, “He's gone; he's off with the fairies here.”

Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper stayed sober last year with their hosting. However, this year, they were allowed alcohol, Variety reports. We can't help but think it added to the humor and made the broadcast more fun. Plus, who doesn't love a good cat and John Mayer video?