Veteran guard Anthony Morrow took to social media over the weekend to shed light on his recent dealings with law enforcement in Georgia.

Morrow filed a complaint against the police department and took to Instagram to discuss the matter in greater detail. He stated that he was driving from North Carolina to Atlanta to pick up his daughter when he was pulled over by the cops, who voiced that they had strong evidence to check his car.

The _year-old stated that the police officers did not find anything in his vehicle than preceded to ask him questions centering on how much he made. It was a situation that Morrow experienced racial profiling likely due to the car that he was driving at the time.
All of this only further sheds light onto the unfair treatment that many Americans receive from law enforcement due to the color of their skin. It has often put honest and law abiding people in potentially harms way because of that.
At the same, this could provide Morrow with an opportunity to speak on the matter and draw more attention to the changes that need to be made with law enforcement at times to better treat the civilians regardless of race or ethnicity.