The NBA world was rocked by the news of Kevin Durant requesting a trade. The former MVP has four years remaining on his contract and is one of the greatest players to ever hit the trade market. The Nets are holding a sky-high bar for what they expect in return for the superstar.

Each team is looking to improve its chances of winning moving forward and the Golden State Warriors are no different. The defending champions are familiar with Durant from the three seasons he spent with the team. While Steph Curry has reportedly left the door open on a potential reunion, Kendrick Perkins did his best to slam it shut when recently going on ESPN First Take.

Kevin Durant is clearly one of the most talented players to ever play but has a unique legacy. To many, his success is discredited due to his decisions to hop rosters and play alongside other superstars. Making a return to Golden State would certainly add fuel to this fire. This would likely be criticized especially heavily after the Warriors have just won another championship without Durant.

The back-and-forth Twitter conversations and verbal jabs between Draymond Green and Kevin Durant would also make this move seem unlikely. While organizations are certain to make the decision based on what is best for the team's future, it is clear that the franchise seemed proud to earn this ring with the original core of players again. Given Brooklyn's demand for a trade, it would disrupt a great deal of the core in order to add him. Even without the addition of Durant, Golden State is set to be geared up to compete for a title again next season.

While the glory days of the Warriors' 2017 and 2018 championships were a massive success, attempting to run it back may not make sense for either side. Expect Golden State to continue its path of developing its young core while contending with its current group of stars. As long as Steph Curry plays at the superstar level he consistently produces at, you cannot count out this Warriors team regardless of if Kevin Durant is there or not.