2D Cyberpunk Rogue-lite Bullet Hell Gun Management game Neon Blight is here. Know when the Neon Blight release date will be.

Neon Blight Release Date: July 11, 2022

Neon Blight comes out exclusively on PC on July 11, 2022.

Neon Blight is a game with two faces: one is of a top-down rogue-lite bullet hell from the same vein as Enter the Gungeon; the second is of a store-management sim where the stuff you sell comes from the loot you get in combat from the same vein as Moonlighter. In fact, first-time-developer Bleeding Tapes openly acknowledge the influence these two games have on their first game, and fans of either of the two mentioned games would find a game that beats the rhythm of their heart.

In Neon Blight, players take on the role of the owner of a cyberpunk gun shop in Eden, the old town district beneath the megacity. The chaos, turmoil, and struggles in the undercity have made living in this neon-bright cyberpunk world unbearable, and countless hero wannabes approach your gun shop in hopes of getting a weapon that will equalize their chances at survival. You are there to oblige their fantasies – you take on the actual dirty work to find powerful weapons and take them away from the clutches of others through brute force, before selling said weapons in your humble gun shop in Eden.

Neon Blight offers a frenetic experience side-by-side with a relaxed and less stressful business store management sim, which makes the game a nice rhythm that puts burnout at bay. It is published by Freedom Games, publishers of other indie game gems such as Symphony of War, Dark Deity, and City of Beats, so you should know Neon Blight is a game of good quality. You can get the game on both Steam and the Epic Games Store.