Schedule release dates have become national holidays for the folks who run professional sports teams' social media accounts, and the schedule reveal post made by the Brooklyn Nets on Thursday might just have been the best of any of the 30 teams.

Instead of a generic, small-print picture of the Nets' upcoming 2023-24 slate, or even a video announcement made by one of Brooklyn's many celebrities, the team instead took a unique approach to the schedule reveal, asking passersby in Coney Island, most of whom evidently aren't huge NBA fans, to guess the Nets' opponents' names based on their logos.

The results were predictably hilarious.

Some of the more comedic moments in the video came when the Chicago Bulls were referred to as the Buffalo's, the Atlanta Hawks were bluntly called “insurance,” the Minnesota Timberwolves were called “something out in the middle of the country,” and the New Orleans Pelicans were mistaken as “an alien landing on Coney Island.”

It should be noted that this isn't the first time this format has been used for a schedule release. A few months ago, the Tennessee Titans' social media team took the sports world by storm by using essentially the same style of video, which also predictably drew some funny mistaken names from apparent non-sports fans.

Still, it would appear that the Brooklyn Nets are the first to bring this meme to the NBA world, and it certainly wouldn't be surprising if other teams followed suit a year from now when the 2024-25 schedule is released.