James Harden is now officially a member of the Philadelphia 76ers. He hasn't made his debut for the Sixers yet, but you can already sense from the things he's been saying that he's absolutely delighted to be with his new team. In the same light, Harden also decided to fire a bit of a shot at his former team, the Brooklyn Nets, and his ex-teammates in Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving.

Harden was recently asked to share his thoughts about forcing his way out of the Nets and according to the former league MVP, one of the biggest factors that led to his decision to jump ship was because he wanted to surround himself with people who had a winning attitude:

“For the most part, we can control our own destiny,” Harden said. “For me, it made sense. It's a time where I needed to be around guys that I know that want to win and are willing to do whatever it takes to win.”

Obviously, Harden did not name-drop KD or Kyrie in his statement, but it's easy to read between the lines here. Harden also implied that his new teammates and the Sixers front office are willing to make the necessary sacrifice in order to win, which could be a shot at Irving and his part-time status as a player. We cannot question Durant's will to win, but unfortunately, he's been out of the picture for the Nets due to injury.

The Sixers face off against the Nets for the first time post-trade on March 10. Needless to say, all eyes will be on that matchup.