Get ready to get even sweatier as Nintendo Switch Sports’ summer update adds intense changes and full leg strap functionality for soccer.

Earlier this year, Nintendo brought back a platform dedicated sports game after nearly 16 years. Just like the Wii, the Nintendo Switch now has its very own sports game called Nintendo Switch Sports. The game has a plethora of sports to choose from such as Volleyball, Badminton, Bowling, Soccer, Chambara, and Tennis. All game modes are fully functional, however, the game isn’t maximizing its full potential up until recently.

Nintendo Switch Sports recently dropped the summer update that adds more intensity to the game. Nintendo posted on Twitter what the summer update has in store. Players can finally make use of the leg strap accessory that the game came with upon purchase of the physical copy. It’ll now be easier for players to play in the Soccer game mode since it initially didn’t fully support the leg strap. 

Aside from a fully functional accessory, Nintendo Switch Sports is also intensifying two other game modes. One of these modes is Volleyball which initially had a repetitive 3-moves pattern. Receive, Toss, and Spike. Thanks to the summer update, players now have a couple more moves to add to their arsenal. These moves are namely Slide Attack and Rocket Serve.

Lastly, Nintendo Switch Sports’ summer update is also shaking things up for Bowling. This update now requires players to level up their striking game. It’ll now be more difficult to get a strike by simply tossing the ball from the middle of the lane. The summer update is now requiring players to rely more on curved tosses rather than a simple straight toss. 

The Nintendo Switch Sports summer update is now live. Get in shape and keep gaming throughout this entire summer season.