In the glitzy world of “Barbie,” where Margot Robbie takes the lead, Ryan Gosling's Ken comes second with the most iconic phrases and outfits. Thanks to the creative vision of director Greta Gerwig, Ryan Gosling gave movie-goers a taste of his unique Kenergy that can't be ignored.
Starting from his rugged jean jacket to his side-splitting exploits in Barbieland, where he cheekily borrowed lessons from the patriarchy and commandeered Barbie's Dream House, Gosling's portrayal of Ken became a true comedic gem that resonated with audiences.
Now, moviegoers can feel the Kenergy as Mattel releases a brand-new Ken doll that portrays Ryan Gosling's on-screen character.
For $75, fans can bring home Ken adorned in the iconic faux fur, known as the “Fauxjo Mojo Minx.”
This set, complete with a fanny pack and fringe jacket, gets Ken ready for Malibu beach showdowns and impromptu musical numbers alongside his fellow Kens. Due to insane demands, this faux fur Ken doll is already off the Amazon shelves, temporarily out of stock for now. Just like movie-themed Barbies and Kens, as well as those coveted movie tickets.
But what makes this Ken doll a ‘must-have’ isn't just his fashionable attire; it's a tip of the hat to Ryan Gosling's uproarious portrayal of the quintessential Stereotypical Ken. Gosling's dedication to the role, particularly moments like his spirited rendition of “Push” by Matchbox Twenty.
For those aiming to complete the set after buying the Ryan Gosling Ken doll, there's good news. There's a Barbie doll counterpart that rocks a plaid outfit and hat, all set to dive into the Mojo Dojo Casa House.