When it comes to professional wrestling, few personalities are as universally beloved as Mick Foley.

From the hardcore youngsters duking it out on the indies, to the old-school aficionados of the Japanese Death Match scenes to fans of WWE, WCW, ECW, AEW, and beyond who have enjoyed his efforts, Foley has touched pretty much every professional wrestling fan in one way or another, and remains incredibly popular to this day despite having potentially wrestled his final match almost 12 years ago.

Discussing how Foley has affected her career in an interview with Fightful, fast-rising indie stalwart Tara Zep celebrated Cactus Jack for how much he's impacted her career through her first two years of in-ring action, including the time he got in the ring with her dressed as Santa Claus at ICW No Holds Barred in December of 2023.

“So a little history on that, a little background. A good friend of mine does a little bit of his PR stuff. He does his Instagram and stuff like that and helps him with just a lot of different things that he needs media-wise. He introduced me to Mick a couple of years ago at a GCW show. Mick was like, it's cool to meet you. I was either just starting training or, actually, it was just before I started training, and I told him I was really into deathmatches and hardcore wrestling and I was going to maybe pursue that. He kind of thought I was like crazy and, why would this girl, this girl does not look like somebody who should be doing death matches or looks like they are, would be interested in them. So we kind of like occasionally messaged on like Instagram or whatever. Then I started training and my friend Casey, he told Mick that I was training, whatever,” Tara Zep told Fightful.

“Skip to I have my first deathmatch, and I hit up Mick, and I was like, ‘Hey, this is happening finally.' He was just like, ‘Oh, my God, like, cool. OK.' Then a couple of days later, he got back to me and he's like, so I decided that I'm going to be it wasn't it wasn't that I want to be involved. He's like, I'm going to be involved. He wanted to be there for it. He wanted to be involved in the match, and he wanted to like do a little something in the match as well. It was also coming up to like Christmas time. So it was kind of cool that we could like plan it like, you know, just before Christmas, he could do a Santa gimmick. He did, um, some fundraising too, while we were there, it was, it was really cool. We keep in contact and, if I have questions, he helps me out and a little bit of a mentor in my career. So and, you know, gives me a lot of advice that obviously is probably the best advice you could get from anyone.”

Unsurprisingly, when Zep wrestled her match with a little help from Cactus Jack, it got her a ton of attention and has helped to push her career to new heights ever since, with matches all over the country, including two battle royal spots for GCW and her debut last month in Ring of Honor in a match against Anna Jay. In the end, it's safe to say the Foley bump has put over Zep in a major way much like it has for other performers like Jon Moxley for years now.

Paul Walter Hauser wants to play Mick Foley in a film or limited series.

Speaking of the life and legacy of Mick Foley, Emmy award-winning actor Paul Walter Hauser recently revealed in an interview with The Wrap that he would love to portray Dude Love in a film or limited series at some point in the future, letting fans know that he'd love to marry his two loves in the not-too-distant-future in one project or another.

“I'm literally talking to Mick Foley right now about the potential of playing him in a movie or limited series. I don't know which, and I don't know how, but he and I have become friendly. And I think he knows that that could be a really great stroke of genius in casting me to play him,” Paul Walter Hauser told The Wrap via Fightful.

“A couple of people have approached me to potentially play different wrestlers in different projects, and for me, I just have to make sure that there's a real story there, and I'm not just doing it because I'm a fan.”

Would it be cool to see a Mick movie starring PWH, or even a limited series with one episode about Cactus Jack, one about Mankind, and one more about Dude Love? Most certainly, but when it comes to Hollywood, no project is made until it's made, so fans will have to wait with bated breath to see if it actually comes to fruition.