As it turns out, not only did Hogwarts Legacy lead in sales weeks before release, but it also exceeded the expected number of launch sales by around 256%.

In their (now edited) About section, Warner Bros. Games Senior Brand and Marketing Manager Arien Darby talked about Hogwarts Legacy. In their original About description, he noted that Hogwarts Legacy “Achieved 256% to plan sell-thru at launch and exceeded 12M units in sales in first two weeks.” He estimated that they earned around $850 million. He also included that they secured 1.8 billion impressions and that the game broke the all-time Twitch record for concurrent viewers for a single-player game. The About page has, as of this article, been edited to remove the “256%” part.

It's undeniable that Hogwarts Legacy was a successful game. As mentioned above, Hogwarts Legacy became the most-bought game on all platforms weeks before its release. Not only that but even after its launch date, its concurrent players and sales just kept on going up. And, as mentioned above, it broke the record for a single-player game with the most concurrent viewers, hitting 1.3 million viewers at one point.

Of course, it was not always smooth sailing. The game's launch was accompanied by a literal witch hunt for streamers who played the game. Not only that, but people even started posting spoilers about the game on social media and streaming platforms. All of these are thanks to the controversy surrounding the author of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, and her very controversial views.

What's interesting is that in a few months, we can expect the game's sales numbers to go up even more. The Nintendo Switch version of Hogwarts Legacy will come out on July 25, 2023. When it does, we can expect yet another increase in the game's already high sales numbers. Or at least, that's what we believe. Hogwarts Legacy is already somewhat known for running poorly on PCs and consoles. As such, some players are not too sure about how the game will perform on a somewhat weaker console. Should news about this come, we will be sure to update you.

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