The latest NHL 24 Gameplay Tuner Update released for the Month of May, buffing several underused X-Factors. Furthermore the new gameplay tuner adjusted the final 60 seconds of the third period and OT thanks to Community Feedback. Overall, while a small gameplay update, it should hopefully entice players to try out new X-Factors. Without further ado, let's take a look.

NHL 24 Gameplay Tuner Update Notes For May 2024

Community Feedback: “The current accelerated clock in the last minute of the game and OT reduces some fun climactic finishes to the game”:

  • Updated the final 60 seconds of the 3rd Period and OT to be real-time 60 seconds

Developer Feedback: “We want to continue to create more incentives to use underutilized X-Factors and allow players to develop new strategies”:

  • Shnipe – Increased Shnipe Zone/Superstar bonus to shot power on settled wrist shots by 50%.
  • Off Rush Slapshots – Increased Off the Rush Zone/Superstar bonus to shot power for in-stride slap shots by 50%
  • Crease Crasher – Increased Crease Crasher Zone/Superstar bonus to shot power on rebound shots by 150%.
  • Total Eclipse – Increased Total Eclipse Zone/Superstar impact to goalie screens by 20%.
  • No Contest – Increased No Contest/Superstar bonus to 50/50 puck battles by 10%.

Firstly, this Gameplay Tuner Update introduced a slight clock change, thanks to Community Feedback. Now, the final 60 seconds in the 3rd Period and OT will now be a real 60 second timer. While not the most monumental change, it's something the community has requested for a bit.

Then, the update patch notes talk about the newly updated X-Factors. Overall, this Gameplay tuner adjusted five different X-Factor abilities. For newcomers to EA Sports NHL, X-Factors are unique abilities that improve an aspect about your player. It can vary from anything, including your shot power, speed, and much more. If you've played any recent Madden game, you'll have an idea of what X-Factors are.

The five adjusted X-Factors above were underutilized by the community. In layman's terms, they're simply not good enough to thrive in the meta. Therefore, the developer hopes to see them used more after implementing these changes. The goal is to see more people using these X-Factors, and ultimately balance them out. We'll see how the community reacts to the new buffs and balances to X-Factors in NHL 24.

Overall, that includes everything you need to know about the NHL 24 Gameplay Tuner update for the month of May. We hope you enjoy some of the new balance changes. Furthermore, we look forward to seeing how these new X-Factors will shape into the meta. Of course, we're sure it'll be hard to players to switch to new X-Factors if they're used to the one they use now. Nevertheless, we anticipate the community's feedback on the update.

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