Ellen is an S-Rank Ice Attack character who serves as Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)’s launch banner. Whether you own Ellen already or are planning on getting her, this guide will teach you the best build for Ellen in ZZZ, from her Disk Drives to her W-Engines, and more.

Ellen is available in ZZZ until July 24, 2024. Make sure to get her during her rate-up. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait for a while before getting her again. We also have a guide on Ellen’s kit if you want to learn more about what she does.

Best Ellen W-Engine

Here are the best W-Engines that players can equip on Ellen:

1. Deep Sea Visitor (S-Rank)

Deep Sea Visitor not only increases Ellen’s Ice DMG but also increases her CRIT Rate whenever she uses her Basic Attack or her Dash Attack. It also has CRIT Rate as a substat, further increasing her possible damage output.

2. The Brimstone (S-Rank)

This W-Engine can provide Ellen a stacking ATK buff that basically has 100% uptime as long as she keeps attacking. It also has a high ATK% substat, so players will just need to get CRIT Rate substats to complement it.

3. Street Superstar (A-Rank)

This empowers Ellen’s Ultimate DMG whenever Chain Attacks get triggered, and can easily be maxed when the entire team performs a Chain Attack with Ellen at the rear end of the Chain.

4. Cannon Rotor (A-Rank)

Provides an unconditional ATK% buff, as well as a burst of damage on a cooldown when Ellen Crits. This also gives Ellen some additional CRIT Rate from its Substat.

5. [Lunar] Descent (B-Rank)

This is the F2P option for Ellen. It gives her additional DMG after performing Chain Attacks, or after performing her Ultimate.

Best Ellen Disk Drive

Here are the best Disk Drives for Ellen

1. 4-Piece Puffer Electro, 2-Piece Woodpecker Electro

Puffer Electro provides PEN Ratio, as well as increased Ultimate DMG. Additionally, it provides an ATK% buff to Ellen whenever she performs her Ultimate. Woodpecker Electro will give Ellen some CRIT Rate as well.

2. 4-Piece Polar Metal, 2-Piece Woodpecker Electro

Polar Metal will increase Ellen’s Ice DMG, as well as the DMG of her Basic and Dash Attack. She also gains even more DMG if an enemy Freezes or is Shattered. Woodpecker Electro

3. 4-Piece Woodpecker Electro, 2-Piece Polar Metal

Woodpecker Electro provides Ellen with CRIT Rate, as well as an ATK buff whenever she crits with her Basic Attack, Dodge Counter or EX Special Attack. Polar Metal provides additional Ice DMG.

For the Disk Drives, try to get CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG on Disk 4, Ice DMG% or PEN Ratio on Disk 5, and ATK% on Disk 6. For Substats, try to get either CRIT Rate or DMG, then ATK%, then PEN.

Best Ellen Builds

Premium Build

W-Engine – Deep Sea Visitor

Disk Drive – 4-piece Puffer Electro, 2-piece Woodpecker Electro

Team – Ellen, Soukaku, Lycaon

This is perhaps the best build for Ellen at the moment, as it provides everything she needs to deal the maximum amount of DMG. From the ICE Dmg and CRIT Rate from the W-Engine to the PEN Ratio and Ultimate DMG from her Disk Drive,  this will make Ellen a powerhouse.

For the team, partner Ellen up with Soukaku as Soukaku provides her team with a 20% Ice DMG bonus when she consumes Vortex to activate Fly the Flag. This makes her the perfect support for Ellen. Additionally, as Soukaku is an Ice character, Ellen’s Additional Ability Rising Storm gets activated.

Lycaon is a good filler as well as his EX Special Attack and Assist Follow-up lowers the enemy’s Ice DMG RES. Rina is also possible as she can Shock enemies, making them receive additional Electric DMG on top of whatever DMG they receive.

F2P Build

W-Engine – [Lunar] Descent P5

Disk Drive – 4-piece Puffer Electro, 2-piece Woodpecker Electro

Team – Ellen, Soukaku, Corin

If you don’t have enough to get her ideal W-Engine or are unlucky in that regard, running this build is your next best option. Of course, if you have Street Superstar or Cannon Rotor, use those instead of [Lunar] Descent as you do suffer from stats when using a B-Rank W-Engine.

Soukaku is indispensable even F2P teams thanks to her team-wide bonus Ice DMG. Not only that, but you get a free copy of her, making it easy to make the F2P team.

Although Corin is another Attacker, she can serve as another damage dealer, especially since her Additional Ability will activate as she is with Ellen.

That’s all for our guide on the best W-Engine, Disk Drive, and team build for Ellen in ZZZ. ZZZ is available on PlayStation 5iOSAndroid, and PC via the Epic Games Store and the official client.

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