Eula Lawrence, the Spindrift Knight, makes a return in Genshin Impact 2.3. This will be her first rerun banner ever since she was introduced in version 1.5. So, when is Eula's rerun banner's release date going to be?

Eula Rerun Release Date: November 23, 2021

Eula returns to make players mind their manners once again during the second Born of Ocean's Swell banner. She will be coinciding with the rerun banner of Albedo, which a lot more players might be interested in. While there's a lot of competition in this space right now, Eula may still be desirable for many players. If you don't have a hard-hitting Cryo Claymore user yet, then she might just be the perfect character for you. To find out the pros and cons of getting Eula, then check out our Eula pull guide.

If you already have Eula, then this is the perfect time for you to get higher constellations for her. If you've yet to build up your Eula but would like to try to make her a viable member of your party, then check out our best weapon and best artifact guide for Eula in Genshin Impact. The Spindrift Knight will surely be a great part of anyone's party, so don't miss out on this opportunity!