To everyone’s surprise, Eula’s rerun arrives much earlier, and she even appears in the first-ever double-banner in Genshin Impact. In version 2.3, Her rerun banner will appear alongside Albedo’s rerun banner, and the pity mechanic works simultaneously for both. This rerun could also pose a dilemma for people who like the Claymore playstyle since Eula and Itto are both amazing claymore DPS characters. 

Why You Should Pull for Eula

Eula is a 5-star claymore-wielding Cryo character, who specializes in dealing gigantic bursts of physical damage, after a lengthy charge-up time. Her damage is backloaded, which means the bulk of her damage is at the end of her skill rotation. Despite that, she is an amazing character for beginner players since she hits hard, can deal with any enemy shield, and doesn’t suffer from elemental-immune enemies. 

Being a Cryo user, she has very easy access to Superconduct, which massively amplifies her physical damage. A great partner to her is Raiden Shogun, due to her off-field Electro application, and her Elemental Burst providing the energy that Eula desperately needs. 

Here are more reasons why you should pull for Eula:

  1. You like Eula’s character and/or gameplay.
  2. You are not interested in pulling for Albedo, Itto, or the other future characters.
  3. You need a competent main DPS who doesn’t need a lot of support characters to work
  4. You like to see massive numbers

Why you should skip pulling for Eula

Claymore gameplay is the slowest amongst all weapons, and for some, it’s a deal breaker. Playing Eula also requires a good amount of skill, since her burst damage is dependent on the amount of hits you dealt during her burst’s charging time. Eula also has a heavy Burst cost, at 80, which is quite difficult to sustain without a Cryo battery like Diona. Here are a couple more reasons why you could be skipping Eula instead:

  1. You do not like Eula’s character and/or gameplay
  2. You do not think you are skilled enough to maximize Eula’s burst damage
  3. You think her play style is quite slow and cumbersome
  4. You already have a lot of DPS characters and want more support characters instead
  5. You are more interested in Albedo, or other future characters like Itto and Ganyu

The first half of Genshin Impact 2.3 will have two re-run banners happening simultaneously, so we hope this article helps you decide which character you will be pulling for.